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Head spinning

WhenOnce weupon a time when my younger brother and I were kids, my brother and iwe would always "plan"plan to fall sick together to skip school. AtWe thatwere time,in Ithe wasmiddle 8of reading an exciting hardy boys novel. Instead of another boring day at school,  we could huddle up in our make believe hut in the terrace and heread hadhow justit turnedends.  4. I am not sure why that day but we wanted to take a day off from school andWe  knew the only way to stay away from school was to fall sick. And so that fineThat morning, we got fully dressed (to create that illusion of sincerity, you should have seen our faces!) and told mom that we so want to go to school but we were unwell.

Of course momMom saw through our wicked and silly plan. But she decided to play with us a little. She can be a pain like that sometimes. "Oho my poor babies. What happened?". This triggered the moment of creative brilliance/stupidity...

Some back story. My brother and iI grew up around my mom's sisters. and they always got a day off when they saidself diagnosed "head is spinning" because of weakness. I had no clue at that time that it was periods. and thought that if it works for them, it should work for us. 

WeSo bothas per our rehearsal the previous night, we said "head is spinning". Iin had trained my brother to say this...unison. We were both smiling inside thinking of the genius plangeniuses we were executing.and how simple it is. All the future "sick" days and playing while others suffered through school.

Mom looked at usour smiledsad withfaces thefor wickeda smilemoment. ofSmiled like a detective havinghas caught the culpritthief red handed. AndBut she still needed hard evidence and asked "how is your head spinning, is it very bad? show me?"

Like two ballerinas, we both started moving our head in circles and spinning it slowly to show mom 🤦🏽‍♂️. To make things worse, my brother kept looking at me to make sure that he was spinning his head in the right direction.

NicelyNeedless to say, we got froma herthorough ;)"treatment" for our failed master plan.